Loop Love, for adults with mild to moderate learning disAbility
Loop Love invites the participating co-artist to develop, appreciate and refine their own unique vocal sounds. Loop Love is designed for teens and adults with mild to moderate learning disAbilities and is friendly to people who identify as neurodiverse. Loop Love was in residence at three different locations at the Cope Foundation, Cork, Ireland, where co-artists explored the work for 20 weeks, with facilitators engaging participants three days per week. Loop Love also had showings in the foyer of the Granary Theatre, and in April, 2024 in the Elbow Room at the Cork Opera House, where we explored and piloted how best to offer the Loop Love experience in traditional theatre and arts venues. We are currently exploring touring for Loop Love in 2025. Contact us for more information.
Loop Love was designed and developed to invite PWMMLD to create, refine, and co-make their own vocal art by the creative team, Alex Pentek (artist), Jeff Weeter (composer and sound artist) and Yvon Bonenfant (artistic director, voice) with the help of Julie O’Leary of Graffiti Theatre, who provided a critical outside eye. Vocal facilitators were Eva McMullan and Saoirse Garet. Yvon Bonenfant Vocal Art thanks the Arts Council (Ireland)/An Chomhairle Ealaíon, Irish Research Council New Foundations Award, Suisha Arts of the Cope Founcation, Cork Opera House, Cork Midsummer Festival, and University College Cork for supporting the project.